My god, what a day. That's all I say before. It was a nice stroll through town with a couple of nice people, namely Lucy & Manuel. My sister hooked me up with them to show them around town, which I did. Thus, I picked them up at the Harbor Plaza, North Point, a hotel situated 3 MTR-stations from Causeway Bay, so pretty much in the middle of nowhere. After having missed the opportunity of taking the MTR station just on the opposite side of the street, we finally made it to North Point from where we set our direction to Jordan on the peninsula to have dim sum. Arriving at
Shamrock Seafood Restaurant, Nathan Road, I quickly introduced them to the habit of washing your dishes before using them and eventually ordered the delicacies. I was afraid that they might not like it but amazingly (especially) Manuel held his spoon ready for ladling some "quality sauce". After the meal we made our way down to the lady market where Manuel evinced his desire to have some good coffee, telling me of the amount of coffee he normally drank which quickly convinced me to find a
Starbucks, an idea I always welcome anyway. We arrived at
Landhall Place, a mall in Mong Kok where we had coffee and the obligatory burger at
McDonald's. Since there is not much cultural heritage in Hing Kong but only skyscrapers and all that stuff we decided to go to a park in the North of the city where the government rebuilt historical sights and a temple. We soaked up the Buddhist atmosphere and went on to go back to HK island. As we were already pretty much exhausted from wandering around all day, we decided to take the MTR all the way instead of hopping on one of the minibuses. Arriving back on the motherisland, I obliged myself to the burden to show them Soho, the bar-restaurant area. Doing so, I also felt obliged to invite both of them to have one of the fabulous egg tarts, since Manuel had basically payed me all day for my presence with coffee, food and beer. Then we found ourselves in a street market, watching an eel chopped in half (as to be seen in the video) struggling for the last bits of his life in a Styrofoam surrounding. Partly shocked, we went on to nicer things such as discovering local's art by visiting one of the
Homeless shops, where I bought myself a really nice card holder, whereas Lucy tried desperately to fit herself into a T-shirt which was unfortunately too large for her. The motive was cool though, I must admit. Finally we made our way to
Staunton's, where we had a strongly deserved Pint before really, truly and "yes, I mean it", went on to
Shake 'Em Buns, my favorite burger place in HK. Debbie did not only do Dallas but also Lucie's and Manuel's culinary senses and both of them were suddenly surrounded by sounds of pleasure. The story could end here but I will not forget telling you guys about the
After Death Sauce (pic of Lucy holding the bottle with the skeleton...). We (Manuel & I) were very brave in tasting this truly hot sauce and were quite proud of ourselves handling the spiciness like real men. Until Manuel put his finger into his eye. Neither eye drops nor napkins or anything could safe him now, so he had to feel the pure wrath of the sauce! Eventually, he managed to accept his fate by wailing underneath the table which was still very man-like ;) After this amazingly Chinese meal, I headed back to my windy house on the hill. That's all for today. You stay classy, San Diego.