Here we go again! freshly relaxed and bronzed back from Thailand and about to tell you.
I don't know where to put the beginning, so I just make it the point I think it started for me which is the first laugh, seeing Jojo carrying an extremely large backpack with about 1t of luggage out of Wei Lun Hall. "Look at this, dude, it's such an epic backpack, you can fit sooo much shit in it!" I bet you can... We made our way to the cab and went off to Louise's hall and further to the airport. OK, now you might think that Louise comforts the stereotype of the "average" girl that takes 50 pairs of shoes and 20 dresses on a weekend-trip but indeed she was carrying only 8 kg on her, whereas Jojo and me were both carrying over 12kg. Thus, revise your stereotypes!
We went on the plane and after a 2 1/2 hrs flight arrived in Bangkok. Now, where to sleep? Louise took us to the backpacking-paradise Ko San Road. As it really is the backpacking-paradise, which I now know, it was difficult to get a room for three. Sweaty, dirty and thirsty for a cold beer we eventually found a decent place (the last free one on Ko San Road...believe me!) and took the long desired shower. What next? Yes, cold beverage. No alcohol on election day. Disappointment #1. We went further down on Ko San and immediately banged into Aurore, Simon & Julie, some fellow students from HK. The amazement got to its peak when I bought a bag of fried insects (of which I am sure none of the locals would even think about touching) and Julie had the time of her life devouring them. Simon on the other hand surprisingly gagged, trying a maggot. I think it's a redundant think to try but an experience of having done it. After some noodles we went back to the room and got to bed relatively early, since there was no party or anything going on. Sad alcohol, no party? You be the judge.
I will sum up the events of the follwing day a bit, hence to the length of what I am about to write.
The next day offered a visit to the grand palace, which is supposedly the most amazing temple/palace, or anything comparable, I've ever been to. After this stop we went back to Ko San by Tuk-Tuk which are the small three-wheeled cabs in Bangkok. No safety whatsoever but quick. We got our stuff and went to the airport in order to catch the plane to Krabi.
Arriving in Krabi (which is in the South West of the country) we took, how could it be different, a cab and then a longtail boat to go to Railay beach where we checked into a hotel close to the beach. Belive it or not, they were selling beer and not giving a wet shiitake about what was happening in Mainland. "No police here, my boss is in the Mafia!" No shit? I mean what an amazing thing to say. One day, when I will be grown up, I will become an employee of the mafia, just to say that "my boss" was "in the Mafia!". Anyway. Please keep me from striving away, will you?!? We had quite a wild night and finished up drunk but satisfied in our beds. One person ate the other way around. I will not mention who.
The next day we went on to our probably most sportive part of the trip: rock climbing. It was sapping all of our energy but was absolutely worth it. Completely wrecked, what better than to enjoy a nice oil-massage performed by the locals? Nothing. Rhetoric question and answer. This evening we went to a restaurant (which we actually did every night but from now on the big eating should begin) where I had two main meals. Thai Curry and an extremely big burger. Soaked in sweat after this hard bit of work we went back to the hotel room to relax and afterwards to go out. Louise got too tired what made her stay in. Jojo and me on the other hand met up with our rock climbing guide Jod who introduced us to his morning group, 5 American girls who were incredibly drunk/stoned. Besides stupid laughter and redundant facts about their apparently boring life nothing productive evolved from their mouths. We furthermore witnessed a set up Muay Thai (thai boxing) fight, followed by a snake show with obviously violated snakes. The first one was a Cobra, released from its teeth, the second one a Python, abused and exploited in the same way. Disappointment # 2. It made me sad, seeing these poor creatures completely exposed to the public without any protection. In my darkest dreams I wished for the Pythons revenge, by strangling one of the tourists, performing obscene poses with it. I think I will start investing in some animal protection fund to ease the pain of the little ones. Paradoxically, Jojo and I felt our stomaches after this everything else but tasty show and decided to get some Roti (Thai pancakes...correct me if I am wrong) at the Indian's car. Extremely tasty! Now there was the choice: Going back and having a stupid little chip chat with the wasted girls or going to bed. Yep, we made the right choice and went back to the room, or at least in its direction. Already from a safe distance we could hear Louise shouting "Hey guys I just couldn't sleep...and I got a little hungry!" This was the dear Lord hearing our prayers. Another reason to go back to that Roti guy, putting a smile upon his face due to the profit he was about to make.
The next morning we left for my favorite part of the trip, considering the landscape. Lonely Planet hadn't promised too much. White beaches, crystal blue sea, sunsets that could easily be considered as postcard motives. I wanted to wipe the postcards away from my eyes as I realized that this was extremely real. Approaching the island I had all my wishes fulfilled. Arriving on the island wasn't actually that difficult, finding accommodation was not either, finding the room was. The people working at this resort were basically useless and did not understand which room we wanted. Now you might think "arrogant tourist", which I am indeed not but at the same time I lost my patience as they made us walk the same path of about 300 m (30°C) 4 times. That did it for me. When we eventually settled down, nothing could hold me off the sea and a nice nap on the bed afterwards. Fantastic! The bungalow in which we stayed in was coincidentally the same bungalow Louise stayed in only two years before. In the evening relaxing was epic. The sunset from our little mansion was priceless and an amazing clishe found itself confirmed. The not so amazing mosquitoes made our night pretty much hell due to Jojo, who wrapped himself into our mosquito net, considering it hi blanket. No my friend, no. Needless to say that he thereby reduced the net's efficiency from very high to none existent and obviously without even noticing. You wouldn't want to mess around with him if he was awake...
Now, the moment all of you have been waiting for so long has come: My sunburn! It all began with the idea of taking a trip around the neighbor islands under other Ko Phi-Phi Ley, the island where Leonardo DiCaprio created his own computer game by taking drugs and eventually running through the rain forest. I was not to keen to reenact this game so I did not. We obviously took the cheaper version of the trip which was a longtailboat that took us to some snorkeling spots and finally to
the beach. The whole day I was rubbing myself with sun lotion which appeared to be inefficient regarding the third degree burns on my back and my feet. The story of how it happened? Tomorrow...I am really tired. HAHA! I know, I hope that at least someone is reading all this and getting a little pissed off at me, not continuing now but there shall be more.