Monday, May 26, 2008

off to new lands.

Do you know the releaving music after a happy ending in a movie? It's just like a quiet controversy of what has happened before. Watch "The Butterly Effect" (which, frankly, is not a very good movie but pretty extreme, which serves my purpose) and in the end listen to Oasis' "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" ringing the imaginary bells for a wind of change. I, for instance am listening to "But, honestly" by the Foo Fighters. It is just as controversial as denying the fact that I actually left Hong Kong but still am not accepting the fact I did. Leaving everything behind, knowing it will never be the same again is a heavy burden that lies like an inconvienient shadow on my mind. It's a shadow that fills me with sadness and for the first time I really felt what it means to leave something behind you that has treated you in such a positive manner. I could summarize my musings in Hong Kong as a feeling that tells me to stop at the point when you feel it cannot get any better. The only problem with this is that this feeling could then also mean that you realize that something could actually get worse which then again means that it has already gone past the peak of enthusiastic emotions at which you cannot imagine a thing that could negatively infringe the status quo. My friends will understand what I mean.

I don't want to make this sound like a CD booklet or an EMI price giving but I really wanted to thank my family for their love and support.




Lars said...

leaving always sucks. big time- try not to think too much about what you're missing but how great the times were!

Liam Cooke said...

ive really only started to get to know people here too, and the farewell parties are coming thick and fast, making me now only realise how much I will miss them.

I agree with Lars though, let the great memories put a big smile on your face, knowing you've made some great friends, and try not to be too worried about possible negative feelings. you are snorkeling in Malaysia for christ sake ;-)

enjoy it mate!

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

listening to Feist's "I feel it all" as one of the many songs on your playlist and thinking of you...I think I dreamt of you last night. Overnight train rides just arent as pleasant without your sleeping chubby cheeks beside me. Where are you now? keep writing...