Wednesday, September 17, 2008

he waved hello silent like a mime

University wise my life is back on track. After giving me heaps of shite for a good new start, my Uni did pretty much everything to make my life more difficult and make me walk through the anyway rainy streets with a rather depressed attitude, asking myself "Do I really need this right now?!?" I didn't. It was time to get over that and I did eventually.

In fact Hong Kong was once again warmed up in my mind when lovely Adele arrived on a Thursday night and stayed for as long as one week in the place I call my home. A home that dwinldes but still my home. The week was fantastic and Adele a fully integrated member of our 6-headed community. She arrived around 11:00 pm and we started to get warmed up for a long night out when she suddenly pulled something bottle shaped out of her bag - something that would change the outcome of the evening decisively. Talisker. Scotch. 1 liter. MY GOD! "Some Ice, Adele?", "Nah, just straight please!" Said and done we went to "Het Paard", listening to drum 'n' bass, electro and all kinds of alternative tunes. Good fun, good night.

The next morning was fairly miserable, but hey, that's the deal, right?

I haven't made any progress with my dictionnary so far and my time management is really tight at the moment since I am working off my presentations for this semester in the first half. Well, and some courses require simply a lot of reading. My dream is to simply chill in my armchair with some big headphones, listening to all my favorite songs really loudly forgetting about the world and think of the bluest lights that can surround me. This day will come and I don't want to make this sound like I am all so unhappy which is simply not true. Lars has introduced me to "Six Feet Under", a TV show that has already taken its toll on me - a show that displays once more that the life I am leading is pretty damn good!

Now I am for instance taking the time to go down to the pitch to play some of my favorite sport! Season has started and I truly am loving it to play with the team again.

So far for now, and, needless to say that Elliot Smith is sugar sweet melancholie in my ears.

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